Rimbøl Teknik offers
Below you will find a few examples of the construction of bulk hopper conveyors. We manufacture a series of bulk hopper conveyors in standard sizes ranging from 5 to 100 litres, but they can also be supplied in other sizes and dimensions, depending on the particular application.
Our bulk hopper conveyors are designed to be as gentle as possible to the components being fed, which is why they are always welded throughout to avoid edges which could cause stoppages or damage the components.
Since they are welded throughout and thus very easy to clean, they are also highly suitable for use in the pharmaceutical industry. Also for these products we use SLL-type linear drive units from RNA, as they ensure a very homogenous feed flow, as mentioned above in the description of linear feeders.
In our download section, you can download 3D files of some of the product types.